My Journey

Why I do this...
Organic and Toxic Free living.

Early Years of my journey...

I was born and raised in Denmark on a small farm where my parents grew the fruits and vegetables we ate. Everything was grown organically, however the word wasn’t in my vocabulary since it was just the way things were grown. The nutrition rich soil was crafted from the compost pile and the worm farm.

One morning my brother and I woke up to be taking to the garden. There were two small plots of land to match our small stature. Our parents had allocated the plots for us and insisted that we both learn to grow our own food from scratch. My brother and I caught on quickly and that lifestyle soon became a large part of our being. The healthy lifestyle naturally found its way into other parts of our lives. My family only used toxic free personal care products. We followed the mantra of my grandfathers: “If you can’t eat it, it should not be used on your skin”

Organic Food for healthy wellness
Organic smoothy for healthy wellness

Moved to England

At 18 years old I moved to England, where I quickly discovered, how difficult it was to live the lifestyle I had grown up to love. There were no room to grow my own produce and no time to make my own personal care products. Finding stores that had healthy products were hard to come by. When I did find produce, they were very expensive. 

Before I was able to find a place that would support my organic/toxic free living, my brother was diagnosed with cancer. I soon discovered he had also stopped living our family’s healthy lifestyle. My mother and I spend countless hours researching how cancer developed and a possible cure. We eventually came across Dr. Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize winner. He discovered that an alkaline and oxygen rich environment would encourage optimal health thereby making it hard for disease to grow. So, we shared this newfound information with him and his wife. However, they chose to follow the directive of their traditionally trained doctor. He lost his battle with cancer in 1997. This was the hardest wakeup call I would ever receive. Because of this I vowed to find ways to treat by body with organic and toxic free products as it needs and deserve. 

Toxic free, organics and healthy wellness
Toxic Free Laundry for healthy wellness

Moved to the United States

I retired from competitive ballroom dancing in 1992 and, moved to the United States. Soon after I got a house, and I was able to start a small garden. In the garden I used compost and worm casting to create nutritious soil and grew the most essential food. It felt so good to go into the garden and just get the healthy food I needed and wanted. I was so relieved to be back to the lifestyle I grew up with. There was still no time to make my own personal care products. Because I was so busy, I would go to health food stores to buy “healthy” personal care products.

This was a problem as I was not aware that the US government allows toxic chemicals to be used in personal care products. I thought I was sheltered from the toxic chemicals as I would only shop at Health Food Stores. They would only sell healthy food and personal care products, right?

Wake Up Call

It turned out to not be the case. I was fortunate that a friend of mine shared this fact with me. She introduced me to an independent research group of personal care products EWG.ORG/Skindeep. This website empowered me to research the personal care products I was using. It showed me that many of the products that were sold as being healthy indeed contained toxic chemicals. 

Organic Personal care and healthy wellness


After this realization it was time to take action. I decided to search for companies that would stand behind their products. The requirement I was looking for was that they use organics ingredients and settle for nothing less than absolutely toxic free. It is important to me to live with the knowledge that I am safe from toxic chemicals. I am proud to tell you have found such companies and I am now part of them because of how deeply I care about this.

I can’t wait to share this with you too.